For Candidates

Our Track Record Speaks Volumes

Helping you Find, Evaluate and Leap into the Right Career Opportunity! 


Whilst we are Client driven, our aim is to mentor and develop a long-term working dialogue with candidates that we get to know. Over the years, many individuals that we first met as candidates later became Clients.

We are always pleased to be made aware of exceptional Finance Talent, at whatever stage of your career you have reached. If we do not already know you and you believe that we recruit the kind of roles and at the level that you seek, please do be encouraged to provide us with details about yourself and objectives.

Please go to the Contact Us page and complete/submit the on-line Registration Form together with your CV.  Please do also keep us updated on your career developments and latest contact details should these change!

We typically only handle a small number of assignments at any time. If we are dealing with a position that fits your profile and which we feel would make career sense for you we will certainly be in contact and be interested to meet with you to discuss it in detail. 

If we are not at that time handling something relevant, we will keep and maintain your details in confidence for reference against future assignments. If circumstances and diary time permits, we may be able (but cannot guarantee) to meet you for a “general meeting” to explore your career, either in the shorter term or at a later stage. This is to mutual advantage as it allows us to better appreciate your experience, personality/style and objectives and to place us in a position of being able to more readily recognise the likely “fit” and move more quickly on behalf of our Clients in due course when we are handling a role that would be right.

If we are unable to have such a general meeting with you in the shorter term, please do not be discouraged or offended! Remember that there are many of you possibly seeking such a meeting at any time, but very few “free” hours available to us at the busiest times. If we try to accommodate all such general meetings with candidates that we do not immediately have a suitable role for, we would never complete the specific assignments that we are retained to handle! 

However, we will always treat you with respect, as we trust in turn that you will similarly treat us.

We have the experience to advise, counsel and help you make objective decisions regarding your career; whether that golden opportunity is likely to be the “right” one, irrespective of whether it is with one of our Clients or not. Do take a look at Our Track Record for the range of roles that we have handled; which will also give you an indication of some of our network.

We cannot guarantee at what point, if at all, we may in due course be handling a role appropriate to yourself. It may be next week, next month, next year or in 3 years time! We do not “create” the requirements, and we generally work against a specific Client mandate on a retained basis. The roles that we handle tend to be attractive ones and our network is very wide. So at some point, we would hope to be back in contact regarding something specific that may be of interest to you. So do keep us aware and in touch with career developments on your side from time to time, even if you are not “active”.

Sometimes, if your profile looks potentially very interesting for one of our network connections that we know personally, we may (with your prior permission only) bring you to their notice regardless of whether or not they are a Client company. We do on such occasions try to effect “reverse headhunting” – fitting the candidate to the right company!  

Invariably, “Sod’s Law” applies and we will probably have the “perfect role” for you when you are not “active” and least expect it! So do please keep us informed of your career developments and do not assume that we will automatically pick up on your career movements through LinkedIn or other public information source, though we may well do so even if belatedly.  In summary, what we can offer is:

Experience, Objectivity and Connections – provision of sound career advice and mentorship, backed by extensive experience to help manage your career. We have sown many an acorn in a well-chosen spot where it has been well-tended and from where it has grown into a solid tree trunk. For some of our more high profile successes please refer to Our “Alumni”-  Careers We’ve Influenced.

Professionalism / High Integrity – honest, discreet, confidential, and respectful. We will never discuss or provide your details to a third party without your prior consent. We will never try to “promote” an opportunity to you that we do not genuinely consider might make sense for you (subject to being up to date with your career, package, etc).

Long-term Mentoring – we are interested in actively maintaining contact with good individuals from an early career stage through to the long-term and would actively encourage you to keep us advised of your career developments. Unlike many of our major competitors, we are not simply interested in you once you have “made it” on to the “radar screen”. Such longer term dialogue and mentoring provides us with a far better knowledge of you as a candidate and your aspirations. This leads us to make more successful placements through more informed identification of the “right match” of individuals with positions.

Equal Opportunity – we support equal opportunity in employment and would objectively evaluate all qualified candidates.

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